Diccionario Hebreo Biblico, which translates as "Dictionary of Holy Life" is a Latin translation of the Catholic Church's liturgical text. The text is found in the Congregations' Book of the Liturgy, which gives the official translations of liturgical texts into the local language. It was written in 1630 by Ignatius Loyola, a Catholic Priest from Portugal. This text is used in the Catholic Church and is considered as one of the Holy Father's books.
It teaches the reader how to live a religious life which involves giving love, respect and obedience to God. It also instructs the reader to give importance to the daily acts of devotion and the daily acts of worship. It also gives instructions on the spiritual growth and helps the readers to be familiar with the different disciplines that are required for living a religious life.
Diccionario Hebreo Ibiblio is considered as one of the holy fathers' books as it contains an important part on the life and teachings of St. Francis of Assissi. It also includes an extensive list of famous people who lived in the life of St. Francis. This book is highly recommended to every churchgoer, especially to those who have not been able to obtain this book yet. The book is also highly recommended to people who are planning to get married. A new book may be bought only after obtaining this book. The book is widely available on the Internet and can easily be bought and purchased online. The Internet holds some of the largest selections of this book online.